Often back to school season with your preschooler brings many new experiences for both you and your child. Get Set for School Night – Hot Topics for Parents of Preschoolers addresses some of the common questions of preschool parents and provides practical information on how to start the new school year on a positive note. This workshop covers topics such as, helping your “picky eater”, strategies for smooth bedtime and morning routines, handling separation anxiety, fresh ideas for school lunches, Q&A, and more. There is something for everyone! You’ll leave with new tips for your parenting “tool kit” – set and ready for a great school year with your preschooler.
Please join us on Thursday, August 14 at 6:00 p.m. This workshop is hosted by Building Blocks Christian Academy. Child care, light refreshments and door prizes are provided.
Space is limited – RSVP is encouraged. For more information or to reserve your spot for this workshop, contact Preschool Director Kaylen Orr at (310) 397-7500.

About the Presenter…
Experienced early childhood professional, Brigetta Guelker, shares her expertise from over 15 years of working with young children. Brigetta began her path to teaching by first going on a completely different path. She first attended chef’s school to become an Executive Chef. Upon completion, she went to college in New Ulm, MN to complete a bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education. She has taught preschool for 15 years in various places such as Albuquerque, NM and Fallbrook, CA. Currently, Brigetta is serving as a Preschool Director and Transitional Kindergarten teacher in San Diego, CA. We are pleased to be able to have Brigetta share her knowledge with the parents of our community.